Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Vote For Us On PowerHouseMix

Everyone head over to PowerHouseMix Internet Radio and vote for DIVERGENCE as your favorite featured band! They're an awesome internet radio station that plays lots of hard rock and heavy metal, so while you're there voting for us give them a listen, you'll definitely hear some great music.

We got on the station when one of the DJs found our ReverbNation page. He became our fan and we sent him a message in response just to say thank you for his support. He wrote us back saying he was actually a DJ and asked if we would mind if he played our stuff on the air. Of course we said yes, it just goes to show you the little common courtesy of saying thank you to someone can take you a lot further than you think. So go out there and vote!



Copyright 2007 ID Media Inc, All Right Reserved. Crafted by Nurudin Jauhari