Saturday, March 28, 2009

Album Release Info

We posted a little while ago about the album release show, but since then we've added some more stuff to go along with the release so we decided to re-post all the information in one place so no one misses anything.

Standing Over Shadows comes out April 18th, and we're playing an album release show at Fontana's to celebrate.  We've got another after-party with a free open bar Down The Hatch too!  We're also giving some special prices on Divergence merch to everyone already on our mailing list (sign up here!) or who joins it at the show as a way of thanking them for their support.  The first 75 copies of the CD we sell are also going to be limited edition, signed and numbered by the band!

If you're not in the NYC Metro area, and thus can't make it to the show, don't worry - you can still catch Divergence LIVE on the radio at PowerHouseMix the day after! They will be playing the album in its entirety, along with some live tracks from the show the night before, and doing interviews with the band between songs.  The album will also be available for purchase online, we will give out that link when the store goes live, so even if you don't live in our area you'll be able to get a copy of the CD.

Saturday 4/18 @ 6:30 PM - $8 Cover

Standing Over Shadows - ALBUM RELEASE SHOW


105 Eldridge St.
(btwn. Broome & Grand)
New York, NY 10002

21+ w/ I.D. to enter

Special prices for our mailing list members:

Standing Over Shadows CD - $5
Standing Over Shadows CD & Divergence T-Shirt - $12
If you show up wearing a Divergence T-Shirt...
we'll give you the CD for $1
e-mail here to order

 First 75 CDs will be Limited Edition (Numbered & Signed)


 Down The Hatch 

179 W. 4th St.
New York, NY 10014 

Sunday 4/19 @ 7:30 PM (Eastern Time)


Listen to the entire album, along with live songs from the show the night before, and hear interviews with the band between songs!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Album Cover

We just got our album cover from our buddy Chris Stewart and it looks SICK!!!  (He's also the one who drew our logo for us.)  Unfortunately we don't want to ruin any surprises so what it looks like and pictures of it are going to be kept secret until the release, but we love it and think you will too!

Thanks again to Chris for working with us, you did an awesome job bro.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Odds & Ends

We've got a lot going on right now preparing for the release of Standing Over Shadows and we just wanted to fill you guys in on some of the little details.  Here's what's up:

We had to make some adjustments to the design of the album, which included revising the headshots we took for the Divergence Desktop Wallpapers.  As a result we've taken down the old wallpapers we had up for the time being.  Don't worry though they will be back up after the album comes out, along with some fresh new ones, to help promote the release.

We are also coming close to finishing our real website for, and we're hoping to be able to time the release of the album with the launch of the site.

The album is going to include a bonus track, which will be available as a "Fan-Exclusive" download from our ReverbNation page.  On April 18th that song will go live and you'll be able to download it if you're on the mailing list.  If not you'll have to join before you can get the bonus song.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Standing Over Shadows Out In One Month!

It's official!

Our debut album Standing Over Shadows will come out in exactly one month!! (that's Saturday April 18th).  We will be playing a show at Fontana's that night to support the release, you DEFINITELY want to be there.  We're going to play the album in its entirety, plus a few extra surprises you're just going to have to wait to hear.

It's going to be a kick-ass show to launch the release of a kick-ass record, and we will be selling special limited edition copies of the album numbered and signed by all four band members.  If you are already on our mailing list, or if you sign it at the show, you'll also be able to grab a discounted copy of the CD or a special package deal for the album and the T-shirt together. 

Here's the info: 

Saturday 4/18 @ 6:30 PM - $8 Cover

Standing Over Shadows


105 Eldridge St.
(btwn. Broome & Grand)
New York, NY 10002

$5 - Limited edition copy of Standing Over Shadows (100 total)
$12 - Limited edition copy of & Divergence T-Shirt
*must be on the mailing list/sign it at the show to get these discounts

21+ to Enter w/ I.D.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Read Brian's Article On Serve The Song (part 2)

Hey, Brian here, just wanted to point you guys to part 2 for the article I wrote about ReverbNation as a guest blogger for Serve The Song:

Get The Most From ReverbNation, Part 2 - Widgets & Fan Exclusives

I wrote a comment in their blog post about important social networks making a case for why they should have included ReverbNation and the blog's administrator Brian Casel wrote me an e-mail asking if I would write a guest post for them about the site since he had heard of it but never used it himself. I've written about them before in our blog, "Why We Love ReverbNation Part 1 & Part 2", so I thought it couldn't hurt to help spread the word about them some more.

If you missed it you can find part 1 here.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Divergence Desktop Wallpapers

We just finished up part of the photography for the album packaging and related media. We thought it would be cool to put together background images for your computer desktops, you can find them here:

Standard Dimensions 4:3 (800x600, 1024x768, etc.)

Widescreen Dimensions 16:10 (1280x800, etc.)

5:4 Dimensions (1280x1024, etc.)

Click on the link and you'll be taken to a page that has the picture on it. Just right click and save it to your computer, make it your background, and you'll have a sweet looking Divergence desktop!

If you don't know what your screen resolution is click here to find out. If it's not one of the numbers we gave in the examples divide the first number by the second. If you get 1.333 you want the 4:3 standard dimension, if you get 1.6 then you want the 16:10 widescreen dimension, and if you get 1.25 you want the 5:4 dimension.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Read Brian's Article On Serve The Song

Hey, Brian here, just wanted to point you guys to another article I wrote about ReverbNation as a guest blogger for Serve The Song:

Get The Most From ReverbNation, Part 1 - The "Fan Reach" Mailing List

I wrote a comment in their blog post about important social networks making a case for why they should have included ReverbNation and the blog's administrator Brian Casel wrote me an e-mail asking if I would write a guest post for them about the site since he had heard of it but never used it himself. I've written about them before in our blog, "Why We Love ReverbNation Part 1 & Part 2", so I thought it couldn't hurt to help spread the word about them some more.

I'll make sure to post the link to the second part of the guest blog post once it's up. Take it easy!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Video: Tread On Kings LIVE @ Fontana's 2/21/09

We just posted the video for "Tread On Kings" from last Saturday's show at Fontana's. It's up on our MySpace, Facebook, ReverbNation and YouTube pages, as well as embedded below.

Tread On Kings LIVE @ Fontana's 2/21/09

Monday, March 2, 2009

Video: Standing Over Shadows LIVE @ Fontana's 2/21/09

We just posted the video for "Standing Over Shadows" from last Saturday's show at Fontana's. It's up on our MySpace, Facebook, ReverbNation and YouTube pages, as well as embedded below.

Video: Standing Over Shadows LIVE @ Fontana's 2/21/09

Copyright 2007 ID Media Inc, All Right Reserved. Crafted by Nurudin Jauhari