Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thanks For Coming To Crash Mansion Last Night

We just wanted to write a big THANK YOU here to everyone that came to see us play at Crash Mansion with The Dirty Pearls in NYC last night. Yes, we had a show last night, it was totally last minute and we didn't get around to posting a message about it here. We did send an e-mail to our mailing list about it though, so if you're not subscribed yet you should sign up.

Tommy from the Dirty Pearls was originally trying to get us on this show, but the owner of Crash Mansion booked his own bands instead. The day before the show one of those bands dropped out and Tommy gave us a call asking us if we would fill in last minute. We jumped at the chance to open up for such a prominent band in the New York underground music scene.

Mike was in Virginia the day before the show and hauled ass back to NJ the day of, the rest of us took half days at work so we could run through our set when Mike got back. We hadn't played together since our show at the Ivy over two weeks earlier, so we rehearsed quickly and then jumped on a train with our guitars and headed into the city for the gig.

Crash Mansion had easily the nicest sound system of any venue we played at, and the crowd was in agreement that we've never sounded better. We also got a chance to make a good impression with some prominent people in the New York music scene, so we're hoping that will help us land even better shows in the future.

Unfortunately we didn't have enough hands to bring a video camera with us to the show, so we won't be able to put anything up on YouTube this time around. We did have our buddy Artem take more photos though, so we'll at least have some pictures to put up.

Rather than write a one sentence blog post about little things like putting up new pictures, we're going to save short messages like that for our Twitter/Facebook/MySpace status updates. If you want to stay in the loop about that kind of stuff make sure you follow us on one of those networks!



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