Standard Dimensions 4:3 (800x600, 1024x768, etc.)
Widescreen Dimensions 16:10 (1280x800, etc.)
5:4 Dimensions (1280x1024, etc.)
Click on the link and you'll be taken to a page that has the picture on it. Just right click and save it to your computer, make it your background, and you'll have a sweet looking Divergence desktop!
If you don't know what your screen resolution is click here to find out. If it's not one of the numbers we gave in the examples divide the first number by the second. If you get 1.333 you want the 4:3 standard dimension, if you get 1.6 then you want the 16:10 widescreen dimension, and if you get 1.25 you want the 5:4 dimension.
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