Monday, March 9, 2009

Read Brian's Article On Serve The Song

Hey, Brian here, just wanted to point you guys to another article I wrote about ReverbNation as a guest blogger for Serve The Song:

Get The Most From ReverbNation, Part 1 - The "Fan Reach" Mailing List

I wrote a comment in their blog post about important social networks making a case for why they should have included ReverbNation and the blog's administrator Brian Casel wrote me an e-mail asking if I would write a guest post for them about the site since he had heard of it but never used it himself. I've written about them before in our blog, "Why We Love ReverbNation Part 1 & Part 2", so I thought it couldn't hurt to help spread the word about them some more.

I'll make sure to post the link to the second part of the guest blog post once it's up. Take it easy!



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