Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Video: Collapse & Eulogy LIVE @ The Court Tavern

FINALLY! We got everything worked out with the video. Here is "Collapse" and "Eulogy" LIVE at the Court Tavern. "Eulogy" went about a million miles an hour but we held it together and kicked some serious ass. Collapse is just 100% heavy, take no prisoners rock.

Collapse & Eulogy LIVE @ The Court Tavern 12/27/08

Problems Posting Videos

Our biggest apologies, we've obviously had some problems posting the first video from the show. We're sorry, we're working hard to get everything straightened out and we'll do our best to prevent it from happen again.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Show Pictures Up, Videos Tomorrow

We put up the pictures we took at the show today. If anyone else has pictures they took that came out really good let us know we would love to add them to our collection. As for the videos, they come off the camcorder as huge files and take a really long time to compress down to something that can be streamed from the internet, so we're doing that to them tonight and will be ready to start posting them tomorrow!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Someone Call A Carpenter

Someone needs to call a carpenter because the Court Tavern needs new doors! The show was fantastic, a HUGE thank you goes out to everyone that helped make our first show so amazing, especially everyone that was in the crowd rocking with us. Give us a day to recover from our hangovers, we had a lot to celebrate last night, we'll be back in the saddle tomorrow and start putting up cool new media for you guys including videos from the show, pictures, and interviews with the band members. Until then stay heavy!

If you missed our mailing list sign up sheet at the show you can click here to sign up!

Friday, December 26, 2008


Tomorrow is our big show at the Court Tavern! Anyone that needs some last minute tickets send an e-mail to: We'll be going on stage at 2:00PM, if you need directions to the venue and want to find the FREE parking check out this map we made with google maps.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas/5th Night Of Hanukkah!

Happy Holidays from Divergence!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Divergence On Internet Radio

We'll be on internet radio today, right now (3:00pm eastern), the link is here: PowerHouseMix. Tune in and rock out with us! We'll be hanging out on the shoutbox chatting with people as they listen so come say hi!

Official Set Time Saturday: 2:15pm!

We got our official set time for the show on Saturday. We will be going on stage sometime around 2:15pm, however that's still tentative subject to how the show goes. If the other bands before us finish early then we might have to go on earlier, so make sure you get there by 2:00pm the latest, and we'll do our best to stall if they want us to go on any earlier than that. See all you metal-heads Saturday, come ready to rock because we're going to bring it hard!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Legs Feed The Wolf

We're rocking out hard this week prepping for the show, we're all really excited to get back on stage. Playing live for people is one of the most thrilling experiences in a musician's career, and for some of us it's been a long time since we've been able to experience that rush. We look forward to putting on an awesome show Saturday, until then stay heavy!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Video: Chant Session

We just posted a video from the session where we recorded the chanting breakdown in "Tread On Kings." If you can't see the video player embedded in this post head to the videos section of our MySpace page

Chant Session

Saturday, December 20, 2008

1 Week And Counting

About this time next week we will be getting ready to go on stage at the Court Tavern in New Brunswick! You can use this map to see where the venue is and how to find the FREE parking! Tickets are $12 @ the door, but they're $10 from us if you buy them in advance, so send an e-mail to to get your hands on some!

Friday, December 19, 2008


The last of the 7 finished songs from the new album is "Devoiden," and it's an instrumental we wrote over this past summer that's lot of fun to play so we wanted to include it on our album. Hope you enjoy all of the songs, we'll keep you updated on the remaining unfinished song as we bring it closer to completion.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

OFFICIAL RELEASE: Standing Over Shadows (Fan Exclusive!)

Today's new song is the title track for the album, "Standing Over Shadows", and it's available as a FREE download exclusively to members of our e-mail list. You can still stream it from our other sites, and if you want to download it all you have to do is sign up for our mailing list. It's really easy, just click here, and follow the instructions. We promise NEVER to give out or share your e-mail address with anyone else. Once you have registered head to our ReverbNation page to grab your free download!

Tomorrow we post the last of the 7 songs we have finished, stay tuned!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Today's new song is called "Rock Bottom Again," and it can be streamed from any of our sites. Tomorrow we'll put up another "fan-exclusive" song, so if you haven't signed our mailing list yet you can register here, that way you'll be able to download the 2 free bonus songs we're giving out exclusively to members of our mailing list.

New Look

We finished up our new logo, it looks killer. Many thanks to our boy Chris Stewart for drawing it up for us. He did such a good job we've got him signed on to draw our album cover too. Let us know what you think in the comments!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

OFFICIAL RELEASE: Eulogy (Fan Exclusive!)

Today's new song is called "Eulogy," and it's available as a free download exclusively to members of our mailing list! We will be putting up another song like this on Thursday, so if you want access to these fan-exclusive free downloads sign up for our mailing list here. After that go to our ReverbNation page to get your free download. The song is also available for streaming from our Facebook and Myspace pages.

Monday, December 15, 2008

OFFICIAL RELEASE: My Prison Still Remains

The third song off the new record is up! It's called "My Prison Still Remains," and it's the slow song of off the CD. Don't get too comfortable though, or you'll be in for a surprise about half way through.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


The second new song from the record is posted. It's called "Tread On Kings." Thanks to our buddies Wally, Slut, Brett, Justin, and Bolen for helping us with the chant breakdown. If you behave yourselves we'll post a video from the chant recording session soon, otherwise you get coal.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

More Good News!

MySpace finally fixed the problem with our page, our URL is now


We have officially released the first song off the new record!

It's one you got a taste for in the videos, called "Collapse." We will be posting a new song every day for the next week, leading up to our first show which is in two weeks!

Make sure you sign up for our mailing list here or in the box to the right, not only will you get special e-mail updates from the band, but we're also going to be giving away some songs exclusively to members of our mailing list and street team. We promise never to sell or give away your e-mail address, and we think a free song is a fair trade for giving us your information, so get involved.

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Slave Becomes The MASTER


It sounds so sick, we're gonna start posting new songs tomorrow, right now we're all going to get really fucked up and listen to our shit on repeat. Peace.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Help Us Spread The Word

Help us spread the word about Divergence! Use these links to embed the music player of your choice in to your website/blog/myspace page. You can even customize the colors to fit your site's layout!

Here's the full sized Music Player

Here's the Blog Sized Music Player

Here's the Micro Music Player

Finally, here's the Mini Music Player

Thanks in advance to everyone helping us!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Obey Your Master

Our album has been delivered to mastering! Well, the first 7 songs, we're re-writing and re-recording parts of the 8th and final song after our show on the 27th. If all goes well, we will have the masters for these 7 songs back on Friday and start posting new material ASAP so you can learn the words and sing along at the gig!

If you can't tell, we're really excited to hear the results of the mastering process. The guy doing it for us works for a major player on the east coast and cut us a sick deal. We'd hate to spoil the surprise, so we're not going to tell you who he is until all the work is done, but trust us when we say that our shit is going to sound amazing!

Standing Over Shadows Track Sampler!

Ok so technically it's been longer than a day, but we posted the track sampler (with clips from the 7 finished songs off the new album) before midnight so give us a break. These are the songs in the album sampler, in the order they appear:

1. Standing Over Shadows
2. Rock Bottom Again
3. Tread On Kings
4. Collapse
5. Eulogy
6. My Prison Still Remains
7. Devoiden

Use the small player on the right to listen!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Standing Over Shadows - Track Sampler TOMORROW!

Tomorrow we will post clips from each the 7 songs off of the album, get excited!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

"Collapse": Bonus Outtake Video

While we were putting the videos for "Collapse" together we found this funny short clip. Apparently Garrett fucked up.

Garrett F's Up

Saturday, December 6, 2008

"Collapse": Behind The Scenes pt. II

We just posted the second part of the behind the scenes series for the new song "Collapse." This video shows us playing through the song after discussing the arrangement of the song in part I of the series.

Collapse: Rehearsal Video

Friday, December 5, 2008

"Collapse": Behind The Scenes pt. I

We just posted the first of two behind the scenes videos of us working on and rehearsing the new song we have called "Collapse." We will post part II tomorrow.

In this part we discuss the arrangement of the song, specifically the order of the parts. We tried to put a fresh twist on a tried and true song structure with this one. An overwhelming majority of songs are written with a structure that is very similar to, if not exactly, this: Intro, Verse, Chorus, Verse, Chorus, Bridge, Chorus, Outro (IVCVCBCO).

Now there is nothing wrong with songs arranged this way, in fact a number of our songs have this exact structure, and there's a lot of logical support for writing a song with this shape. The intro sets up the song, the first two combinations of verse and chorus are the meat of the song that make the big artistic statement, especially the chorus since it's repeated usually identically every time. By the second time through the chorus, however, the listener is ready for a change, so you bring in the bridge to freshen things up a bit, and then go back to the chorus to hammer home whatever point you're trying to make before finishing with a nice outro. It makes perfect sense.

However, it can be a nice shock to throw curveball every once and a while and do a variation of this structure. That's what we did with "Collapse." The song is pretty much the IVCVCBCO structure we talked about before, however instead of going to the chorus right after the first verse, we repeat the intro part and go back to the verse. The rest of the song is the same structure, but it's like having a first verse that's twice as long with a short interlude in the middle to add some flavor. Like we said, not a radical change, but enough to put a fresh twist on a tried and true song structure. Here's how the discussion went down. (For the record Brian was right about adding the third verse, since that's what keeps the song somewhat in line with the IVCVCBCO structure.)


Collapse: Arrangement Discussion

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mixes Almost Done!

Yesterday Brian met with his old professor from NYU, Nick Sansano, to go over the mixes and make sure they are as good as they can be. We are proud to say some of the songs don't need any revisions, and the ones that do only need some very minor tweaking. We were planning to ship our stuff to mastering on December 8th, and this means we are right on schedule, so barring any major mishaps during the mastering process we will have all new material for you guys before the Christmas holiday. It's like Christmas come early!

Stay tuned, we've got some behind the scenes video for one of the new songs that we will post soon!


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Blog Launch!

This is our new blog!

We decided that the best way for us to maintain our blog is to have it hosted at blogger and then let Facebook and ReverbNation pick up the feed from here. That just means anytime we post something here an identical post will appear in Facebook and ReverbNation, so you can subscribe to any site you want to get your updates from.

As for MySpace, we'll have to re-post everything there manually, but that's a small price to pay since the RSS feed that MySpace generates is pretty shitty, it only shows the first 3 lines of a post and the formatting is weird so quotes come up as question marks and there are no paragraph breaks. If you do get your RSS through our MySpace page, you may want to consider switching it over to the feed directly from Blogger or from one of our other social networks, it will be a lot better. Hopefully MySpace will allow syndication soon, so that we can post everything here once and then it will automatically show up everywhere else.

In case you're following along at home here's the full list of places you can find us online:

Our Home Page:

Our MySpace:

(note: is available but MySpace won't let us switch to it yet, we will let everyone know once we do)

Our ReverbNation:

Our Facebook:

Our Blog:

Copyright 2007 ID Media Inc, All Right Reserved. Crafted by Nurudin Jauhari